18:59 20:37 I've been self-describing as a capitalist for over a year now 18:59 <-- alma (alma@tilde.team) has quit (Client exited) 18:59 --> alma [alma] (Alma Attwater) (alma@tilde.team) has joined #red 19:19 --> alma (alma) (alma@tilde.town) has joined #red 19:25 lol 19:30 <~ubergeek> huh? lol 19:34 I think I remember the context of this and it was capitalist-in-the-class-sense not ideology sense 19:34 alma: read the lines after 19:35 tl;dr: uphold marxist-leninist-maosist thought! 19:38 -- alma has identified as alma 19:41 (But if the choices while so doing are to rent or to buy a house, buying a house is where it's at - as long as you don't then let it out) 19:47 so you can be capitalist but say you "uphold marxist-leninist-maoist thought" and you're suddenly not capitalist? 19:47 No, i'm still capitalist, it's a matter of external economic relations 19:48 What i say or uphold doesn't change the fact that i'm really rich 19:48 I can still fight against capitalism, although i recognise that capitalists have a poor record on the topic 19:49 But honestly, being a prole under capitalism kinda sucks 19:55 you're rich? 19:55 Very 19:55 til 19:56 Top 10% of income; top 50% of wealth 19:57 Stopping being capitalist would involve changing that, and i'd rather change it via a communist revolution than by going back to being lumpen, thanks very mucb 19:58 isn't that still supporting capitalism 19:58 Bedtime now, but feel free to resume the inquisition in 12 hours or so